

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Comfort \Com"fort\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Comforted}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Comforting.}] [F. conforter, fr. L. confortare to
   strengthen much; con- + fortis strong. See {Fort}.]
   1. To make strong; to invigorate; to fortify; to corroborate.
      [Obs.] --Wyclif.

            God's own testimony . . . doth not a little comfort
            and confirm the same.                 --Hooker.

   2. To assist or help; to aid. [Obs.]

            I . . . can not help the noble chevalier: God
            comfort him in this necessity!        --Shak.

   3. To impart strength and hope to; to encourage; to relieve;
      to console; to cheer.

            Light excelleth in comforting the spirits of men.

            That we may be able to comfort them that are in any
            affliction.                           --2 Cor. i. 4
                                                  (Rev. Ver.).

            A perfect woman, nobly planned, To warn, to comfort,
            and command.                          --Wordsworth.

   Syn: To cheer; solace; console; revive; encourage; enliven;
        invigorate; inspirit; gladden; recreate; exhilarate;
        refresh; animate; confirm; strengthen.

   Usage: {To Comfort}, {Console}, {Solace}. These verbs all
          suppose some antecedent state of suffering or sorrow.
          Console is confined to the act giving sympathetic
          relief to the mind under affliction or sorrow, and
          points to some definite source of that relief; as, the
          presence of his friend consoled him; he was much
          consoled by this intelligence. The act of consoling
          commonly implies the inculcation of resignation.
          Comfort points to relief afforded by the communication
          of positive pleasure, hope, and strength, as well as
          by the diminution of pain; as, ``They brought the
          young man alive, and were not a little comforted.''
          --Acts xx. 12. Solace is from L. solacium, which means
          according to Dumesnil, consolation inwardly felt or
          applied to the case of the sufferer. Hence, the verb
          to solace denotes the using of things for the purpose
          of affording relief under sorrow or suffering; as, to
          solace one's self with reflections, with books, or
          with active employments.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: providing freedom from worry [syn: {cheering}, {satisfying}]
     2: affording comfort or solace [syn: {consolatory}, {consoling}]
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