

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Chock \Chock\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Chocked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   To stop or fasten, as with a wedge, or block; to scotch; as,
   to chock a wheel or cask.

Chock \Chock\, v. i.
   To fill up, as a cavity. ``The woodwork . . . exactly
   chocketh into joints.'' --Fuller.

Chock \Chock\, n.
   1. A wedge, or block made to fit in any space which it is
      desired to fill, esp. something to steady a cask or other
      body, or prevent it from moving, by fitting into the space
      around or beneath it.

   2. (Naut.) A heavy casting of metal, usually fixed near the
      gunwale. It has two short horn-shaped arms curving inward,
      between which ropes or hawsers may pass for towing,
      mooring, etc.

Chock \Chock\, adv. (Naut.)
   Entirely; quite; as, chock home; chock aft.

Chock \Chock\, v. t. [F. choquer. Cf. {Shock}, v. t.]
   To encounter. [Obs.]

Chock \Chock\, n.
   An encounter. [Obs.]

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : a block of wood used to prevent the sliding or rolling of a
         heavy object [syn: {wedge}]
     adv : as completely as possible; "it was chock-a-block full" [syn:

     v 1: secure with chocks
     2: support on chocks; "chock the boat"
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