

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        1. Computer Definition [Design?] Language.  A hardware
        description language.  "Computer Organisation and
        Microprogramming", Yaohan Chu, P-H 1970.
        2. Command Definition Language.  Portion of ICES used to
        implement commands.  Sammet 1969, p.618-620.
        3. Compiler Description Language.  C.H.A. Koster, 1969.
        Intended for implementation of the rules of an affix grammar
        by recursive procedures.  A procedure may be a set of
        tree-structured alternatives, each alternative is executed
        until one successfully exits.  Used in a portable COBOL-74
        compiler from MPB, mprolog system from SzKI, and the Mephisto
        chess computer.  "CDL: A Compiler Implementation Language", in
        Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation, C.H.A. Koster,
        LNCS 47, Springer 1977, pp.341-351.  "Using the CDL Compiler
        Compiler", C.H.A. Koster, 1974.  Versions: CDL2, CDLM used at
        4. Common Design Language.  "Common Design Language", IBM,
        Software Engineering Inst, Sept 1983.
        5. Control Definition Language.  Ideas which contributed to
        ["Control Structures for Programming Languges", David
        A. Fisher, PhD Thesis, CMU 1970].
依字母排序 : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z