
cartridge belt

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cartridge \Car"tridge\ (k[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [Formerly cartrage,
   corrupted fr. F. cartouche. See {Cartouch}.] (Mil.)
   A complete charge for a firearm, contained in, or held
   together by, a case, capsule, or shell of metal, pasteboard,
   or other material.

   {Ball cartridge}, a cartridge containing a projectile.

   {Blank cartridge}, a cartridge without a projectile.

   {Center-fire cartridge}, a cartridge in which the fulminate
      occupies an axial position usually in the center of the
      base of the capsule, instead of being contained in its
      rim. In the Prussian needle gun the fulminate is applied
      to the middle of the base of the bullet.

   {Rim-fire cartridge}, a cartridge in which the fulminate is
      contained in a rim surrounding its base.

   {Cartridge bag}, a bag of woolen cloth, to hold a charge for
      a cannon.

   {Cartridge belt}, a belt having pockets for cartridges.

   {Cartridge box}, a case, usually of leather, attached to a
      belt or strap, for holding cartridges.

   {Cartridge paper}.
   (a) A thick stout paper for inclosing cartridges.
   (b) A rough tinted paper used for covering walls, and also
       for making drawings upon.

資料來源 : WordNet®

cartridge belt
     n : a broad belt with loops or pockets for holding ammunition
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