

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Carouse \Ca*rouse"\ v. t.
   To drink up; to drain; to drink freely or jovially. [Archaic]

         Guests carouse the sparkling tears of the rich grape.

         Egypt's wanton queen, Carousing gems, herself dissolved
         in love.                                 --Young.

Carouse \Ca*rouse"\ (k[.a]*rouz"), n. [F. carrousse, earlier
   carous, fr. G. garaus finishing stroke, the entire emptying
   of the cup in drinking a health; gar entirely + aus out. See
   {Yare}, and {Out}.]
   1. A large draught of liquor. [Obs.] ``A full carouse of
      sack.'' --Sir J. Davies.

            Drink carouses to the next day's fate. --Shak.

   2. A drinking match; a carousal.

            The early feast and late carouse.     --Pope.

Carouse \Ca*rouse"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Caroused}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Carousing}.]
   To drink deeply or freely in compliment; to take part in a
   carousal; to engage in drunken revels.

         He had been aboard, carousing to his mates. --Shak.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party [syn: {carousal},
          {bender}, {toot}, {booze-up}]

     v : engage in boisterous, drunken merry-making; "They were out
         carousing last night" [syn: {roister}, {riot}]
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