

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Carnation \Car*na"tion\, n. [F. carnation the flesh tints in a
   painting, It carnagione, fr. L. carnatio fleshiness, fr.
   caro, carnis, flesh. See {Carnal}.]
   1. The natural color of flesh; rosy pink.

            Her complexion of the delicate carnation. --Ld.

   2. pl. (Paint.) Those parts of a picture in which the human
      body or any part of it is represented in full color; the
      flesh tints.

            The flesh tints in painting are termed carnations.

   3. (Bot.) A species of {Dianthus} ({D. Caryophyllus}) or
      pink, having very beautiful flowers of various colors,
      esp. white and usually a rich, spicy scent.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj : having the color of a carnation

     n 1: Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually
          double flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and
          many colors [syn: {clove pink}, {gillyflower}, {Dianthus
     2: a pink or reddish-pink color
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