
caprylic acid

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Capric \Cap"ric\, a. [L. caper goat.] (Chem.)
   Of or pertaining to capric acid or its derivatives.

   {Capric acid}, {C9H19.CO2H}, {Caprylic acid}, {C7H15.CO2H},
      and {Caproic acid}, {C5H11.CO2H}, are fatty acids
      occurring in small quantities in butter, cocoanut oil,
      etc., united with glycerin; they are colorless oils, or
      white crystalline solids, of an unpleasant odor like that
      of goats or sweat.

資料來源 : WordNet®

caprylic acid
     n : a fatty acid having a rancid taste; found in butter and
         other fats and oils
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