

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bat \Bat\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Batted} (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
   To strike or hit with a bat or a pole; to cudgel; to beat.

Batting \Bat"ting\, n.
   1. The act of one who bats; the management of a bat in
      playing games of ball. --Mason.

   2. Cotton in sheets, prepared for use in making quilts, etc.;
      as, cotton batting.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: nocturnal mouselike mammal with forelimbs modified to form
          membranous wings and anatomical adaptations for
          echolocation by which they navigate [syn: {chiropteran}]
     2: (baseball) a turn batting; "he was at bat when it happened";
        "he got 4 hits in 4 at-bats" [syn: {at-bat}]
     3: a small racket with a long handle used for playing squash
        [syn: {squash racket}, {squash racquet}]
     4: a bat used in playing cricket [syn: {cricket bat}]
     5: a club used for hitting a ball in various games
     [also: {batting}, {batted}]

     n 1: (baseball) the batter's attempt to get on base
     2: stuffing made of rolls or sheets of cotton wool or synthetic
        fiber [syn: {batten}]

     v 1: strike with, or as if with a baseball bat; "bat the ball"
     2: wink briefly; "bat one's eyelids" [syn: {flutter}]
     3: have a turn at bat; "Jones bats first, followed by Martinez"
     4: use a bat; "Who's batting?"
     5: beat thoroughly in a competition or fight; "We licked the
        other team on Sunday!" [syn: {clobber}, {drub}, {thrash},
     [also: {batting}, {batted}]

     See {bat}
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