

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Basilisk \Bas"i*lisk\, n. [L. basiliscus, Gr. ? little king,
   kind of serpent, dim. of ? king; -- so named from some
   prominences on the head resembling a crown.]
   1. A fabulous serpent, or dragon. The ancients alleged that
      its hissing would drive away all other serpents, and that
      its breath, and even its look, was fatal. See

            Make me not sighted like the basilisk. --Shak.

   2. (Zo["o]l.) A lizard of the genus {Basiliscus}, belonging
      to the family {Iguanid[ae]}.

   Note: This genus is remarkable for a membranous bag rising
         above the occiput, which can be filled with air at
         pleasure; also for an elevated crest along the back,
         that can be raised or depressed at will.

   3. (Mil.) A large piece of ordnance, so called from its
      supposed resemblance to the serpent of that name, or from
      its size. [Obs.]

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: (classical mythology) a serpent (or lizard or dragon) able
          to kill with its breath or glance
     2: ancient brass cannon
     3: small crested arboreal lizard able to run on its hind legs;
        of tropical America
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