

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Arbor \Ar"bor\, n. [OE. herber, herbere, properly a garden of
   herbs, F. herbier, fr. L. herbarium. See {Herb}, and cf.
   A kind of latticework formed of, or covered with, vines,
   branches of trees, or other plants, for shade; a bower. --Sir
   P. Sidney.

Arbor \Ar"bor\, n. [Written also arbour.] [L., a tree, a beam.]
   1. (Bot.) A tree, as distinguished from a shrub.

   2. [Cf. F. arbre.] (Mech.)
      (a) An axle or spindle of a wheel or opinion.
      (b) A mandrel in lathe turning. --Knight.

   {Arbor Day}, a day appointed for planting trees and shrubs.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: tree (as opposed to shrub)
     2: any of various rotating shafts that serve as axes for larger
        rotating parts [syn: {spindle}, {mandrel}, {mandril}]
     3: a framework that supports climbing plants; "the arbor
        provided a shady resting place in the park" [syn: {arbour},
         {bower}, {pergola}]
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