

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Adventure \Ad*ven"ture\, v. i.
   To try the chance; to take the risk.

         I would adventure for such merchandise.  --Shak.

Adventure \Ad*ven"ture\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Adventured}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Adventuring}.] [OE. aventuren, auntren, F.
   aventurer, fr. aventure. See {Adventure}, n.]
   1. To risk, or hazard; jeopard; to venture.

            He would not adventure himself into the theater.
                                                  --Acts xix.

   2. To venture upon; to run the risk of; to dare.

            Yet they adventured to go back.       --Bunyan,

            Discriminations might be adventured.  --J. Taylor.

Adventure \Ad*ven"ture\ (?; 135), n. [OE. aventure, aunter,
   anter, F. aventure, fr. LL. adventura, fr. L. advenire,
   adventum, to arrive, which in the Romance languages took the
   sense of ``to happen, befall.'' See Advene.]
   1. That which happens without design; chance; hazard; hap;
      hence, chance of danger or loss.

            Nay, a far less good to man it will be found, if she
            must, at all adventures, be fastened upon him
            individually.                         --Milton.

   2. Risk; danger; peril. [Obs.]

            He was in great adventure of his life. --Berners.

   3. The encountering of risks; hazardous and striking
      enterprise; a bold undertaking, in which hazards are to be
      encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen
      events; a daring feat.

            He loved excitement and adventure.    --Macaulay.

   4. A remarkable occurrence; a striking event; a stirring
      incident; as, the adventures of one's life. --Bacon.

   5. A mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard; a
      venture; a shipment by a merchant on his own account.

   {A bill of adventure} (Com.), a writing setting forth that
      the goods shipped are at the owner's risk.

   Syn: Undertaking; enterprise; venture; event.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     v 1: take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you
          buy these stocks you are gambling" [syn: {gamble}, {chance},
           {risk}, {hazard}, {take chances}, {run a risk}, {take a
     2: put at risk; "I will stake my good reputation for this"
        [syn: {venture}, {hazard}, {stake}, {jeopardize}]

     n : a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful)
         [syn: {escapade}, {risky venture}, {dangerous undertaking}]
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