

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Administration \Ad*min`is*tra"tion\ (?; 277), n. [OE.
   administracioun, L. administratio: cf. F. administration.]
   1. The act of administering; government of public affairs;
      the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting
      affairs; the conducting of any office or employment;
      direction; management.

            His financial administration was of a piece with his
            military administration.              --Macaulay.

   2. The executive part of government; the persons collectively
      who are intrusted with the execution of laws and the
      superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate
      and his cabinet or council; or the council, or ministry,
      alone, as in Great Britain.

            A mild and popular administration.    --Macaulay.

            The administration has been opposed in parliament.

   3. The act of administering, or tendering something to
      another; dispensation; as, the administration of a
      medicine, of an oath, of justice, or of the sacrament.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a method of tending to (especially business) matters [syn: {disposal}]
     2: the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up
        a body for the purpose of administering something; "he
        claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the
        governance of an association is responsible to its
        members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the
        establishment" [syn: {governance}, {governing body}, {establishment},
         {brass}, {organization}, {organisation}]
     3: the act of administering medication [syn: {giving medication}]
     4: the tenure of a president; "things were quiet during the
        Eisenhower administration" [syn: {presidency}, {presidential
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