

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Address \Ad*dress"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Addressed}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Addressing}.] [OE. adressen to raise erect, adorn,
   OF. adrecier, to straighten, address, F. adresser, fr. [`a]
   (L. ad) + OF. drecier, F. dresser, to straighten, arrange.
   See {Dress}, v.]
   1. To aim; to direct. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

            And this good knight his way with me addrest.

   2. To prepare or make ready. [Obs.]

            His foe was soon addressed.           --Spenser.

            Turnus addressed his men to single fight. --Dryden.

            The five foolish virgins addressed themselves at the
            noise of the bridegroom's coming.     --Jer. Taylor.

   3. Reflexively: To prepare one's self; to apply one's skill
      or energies (to some object); to betake.

            These men addressed themselves to the task.

   4. To clothe or array; to dress. [Archaic]

            Tecla . . . addressed herself in man's apparel.

   5. To direct, as words (to any one or any thing); to make, as
      a speech, petition, etc. (to any one, an audience).

            The young hero had addressed his players to him for
            his assistance.                       --Dryden.

   6. To direct speech to; to make a communication to, whether
      spoken or written; to apply to by words, as by a speech,
      petition, etc., to speak to; to accost.

            Are not your orders to address the senate?

            The representatives of the nation addressed the
            king.                                 --Swift.

   7. To direct in writing, as a letter; to superscribe, or to
      direct and transmit; as, he addressed a letter.

   8. To make suit to as a lover; to court; to woo.

   9. (Com.) To consign or intrust to the care of another, as
      agent or factor; as, the ship was addressed to a merchant
      in Baltimore.

   {To address one's self to}.
      (a) To prepare one's self for; to apply one's self to.
      (b) To direct one's speech or discourse to.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj : of mail; marked with a destination; "I throw away all mail
           addressed to `resident'" [ant: {unaddressed}]
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