
With foal

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Foal \Foal\, n. [OE. fole, AS. fola; akin to OHG. folo, G.
   fohlen, Goth. fula, Icel. foli, Sw Lf?le, Gr. ?, L. pullus a
   young animal. Cf. {Filly}, {Poultry}, {Pullet}.] (Zo["o].)
   The young of any animal of the Horse family {(Equid[ae])}; a
   colt; a filly.

   {Foal teeth} (Zo["o]l.), the first set of teeth of a horse.

   {In foal}, {With foal}, being with young; pregnant; -- said
      of a mare or she ass.
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