
With ease

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ease \Ease\, n. [OE. ese, eise, F. aise; akin to Pr. ais, aise,
   OIt. asio, It. agio; of uncertain origin; cf. L. ansa handle,
   occasion, opportunity. Cf. {Agio}, {Disease}.]
   1. Satisfaction; pleasure; hence, accommodation;
      entertainment. [Obs.]

            They him besought Of harbor and or ease as for hire
            penny.                                --Chaucer.

   2. Freedom from anything that pains or troubles; as:
      (a) Relief from labor or effort; rest; quiet; relaxation;
          as, ease of body.

                Usefulness comes by labor, wit by ease.

                Give yourself ease from the fatigue of watching.
      (b) Freedom from care, solicitude, or anything that annoys
          or disquiets; tranquillity; peace; comfort; security;
          as, ease of mind.

                Among these nations shalt thou find no ease.
                                                  xxviii. 65.

                Take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.
                                                  --Luke xii.
      (c) Freedom from constraint, formality, difficulty,
          embarrassment, etc.; facility; liberty; naturalness;
          -- said of manner, style, etc.; as, ease of style, of
          behavior, of address.

                True ease in writing comes from art, not chance.

                Whate'er he did was done with so much ease, In
                him alone 't was natural to please. --Dryden.

   {At ease}, free from pain, trouble, or anxiety. ``His soul
      shall dwell at ease.'' --Ps. xxv. 12.

   {Chapel of ease}. See under {Chapel}.

   {Ill at ease}, not at ease, disquieted; suffering; anxious.

   {To stand at ease} (Mil.), to stand in a comfortable attitude
      in one's place in the ranks.

   {With ease}, easily; without much effort.

   Syn: Rest; quiet; repose; comfortableness; tranquility;
        facility; easiness; readiness.
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