

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wild \Wild\, a. [Compar. {Wilder}; superl. {Wildest}.] [OE.
   wilde, AS. wilde; akin to OFries. wilde, D. wild, OS. & OHG.
   wildi, G. wild, Sw. & Dan. vild, Icel. villr wild,
   bewildered, astray, Goth. wilpeis wild, and G. & OHG. wild
   game, deer; of uncertain origin.]
   1. Living in a state of nature; inhabiting natural haunts, as
      the forest or open field; not familiar with, or not easily
      approached by, man; not tamed or domesticated; as, a wild
      boar; a wild ox; a wild cat.

            Winter's not gone yet, if the wild geese fly that
            way.                                  --Shak.

   2. Growing or produced without culture; growing or prepared
      without the aid and care of man; native; not cultivated;
      brought forth by unassisted nature or by animals not
      domesticated; as, wild parsnip, wild camomile, wild
      strawberry, wild honey.

            The woods and desert caves, With wild thyme and
            gadding vine o'ergrown.               --Milton.

   3. Desert; not inhabited or cultivated; as, wild land. ``To
      trace the forests wild.'' --Shak.

   4. Savage; uncivilized; not refined by culture; ferocious;
      rude; as, wild natives of Africa or America.

   5. Not submitted to restraint, training, or regulation;
      turbulent; tempestuous; violent; ungoverned; licentious;
      inordinate; disorderly; irregular; fanciful; imaginary;
      visionary; crazy. ``Valor grown wild by pride.'' --Prior.
      ``A wild, speculative project.'' --Swift.

            What are these So withered and so wild in their
            attire ?                              --Shak.

            With mountains, as with weapons, armed; which makes
            Wild work in heaven.                  --Milton.

            The wild winds howl.                  --Addison.

            Search then the ruling passion, there, alone The
            wild are constant, and the cunning known. --Pope.

   6. Exposed to the wind and sea; unsheltered; as, a wild

   7. Indicating strong emotion, intense excitement, or
      ?ewilderment; as, a wild look.

   8. (Naut.) Hard to steer; -- said of a vessel.

   Note: Many plants are named by prefixing wild to the names of
         other better known or cultivated plants to which they a
         bear a real or fancied resemblance; as, wild allspice,
         wild pink, etc. See the Phrases below.

Wilder \Wil"der\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wildered}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Wildering}.] [Akin to E. wild, Dan. forvilde to bewilder,
   Icel. villr bewildered, villa to bewilder; cf. AS. wildor a
   wild animal. See {Wild}, a., and cf. {Wilderness}.]
   To bewilder; to perplex.

         Long lost and wildered in the maze of fate. --Pope.

         Again the wildered fancy dreams Of spouting fountains,
         frozen as they rose.                     --Bryant.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n 1: United States writer and dramatist (1897-1975) [syn: {Thornton
          Wilder}, {Thornton Niven Wilder}]
     2: United States filmmaker (born in Austria) whose dark humor
        infused many of the films he made (1906-2002) [syn: {Billy
        Wilder}, {Samuel Wilder}]
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