

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wick \Wick\, or Wich \Wich\, n. [AS. w[=i]c village, fr. L.
   vicus. In some names of places, perhaps fr. Icel. v[=i]k an
   inlet, creek, bay. See {Vicinity}, and cf. {Villa}.]
   1. A street; a village; a castle; a dwelling; a place of
      work, or exercise of authority; -- now obsolete except in
      composition; as, bailiwick, Warwick, Greenwick. --Stow.

   2. (Curling) A narrow port or passage in the rink or course,
      flanked by the stones of previous players.

Wich \Wich\, n.
   A variant of 1st {Wick}.
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