
Whip grafting

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whip \Whip\, n. [OE. whippe. See {Whip}, v. t.]
   1. An instrument or driving horses or other animals, or for
      correction, consisting usually of a lash attached to a
      handle, or of a handle and lash so combined as to form a
      flexible rod. ``[A] whip's lash.'' --Chaucer.

            In his right hand he holds a whip, with which he is
            supposed to drive the horses of the sun. --Addison.

   2. A coachman; a driver of a carriage; as, a good whip.

   3. (Mach.)
      (a) One of the arms or frames of a windmill, on which the
          sails are spread.
      (b) The length of the arm reckoned from the shaft.

   4. (Naut.)
      (a) A small tackle with a single rope, used to hoist light
      (b) The long pennant. See {Pennant}

   5. A huntsman who whips in the hounds; whipper-in.

   6. (Eng. Politics)
      (a) A person (as a member of Parliament) appointed to
          enforce party discipline, and secure the attendance of
          the members of a Parliament party at any important
          session, especially when their votes are needed.
      (b) A call made upon members of a Parliament party to be
          in their places at a given time, as when a vote is to
          be taken.

   {Whip and spur}, with the utmost haste.

   {Whip crane}, or {Whip purchase}, a simple form of crane
      having a small drum from which the load is suspended,
      turned by pulling on a rope wound around larger drum on
      the same axle.

   {Whip gin}. See {Gin block}, under 5th {Gin}.

   {Whip grafting}. See under {Grafting}.

   {Whip hand}, the hand with which the whip is used; hence,
      advantage; mastery; as, to have or get the whip hand of a
      person. --Dryden.

   {Whip ray} (Zo["o]l.), the European eagle ray. See under

   {Whip roll} (Weaving), a roll or bar, behind the reeds in a
      loom, on which the warp threads rest.

   {Whip scorpion} (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous species of
      arachnids belonging to {Thelyphonus} and allied genera.
      They somewhat resemble true scorpions, but have a long,
      slender bristle, or lashlike organ, at the end of the
      body, instead of a sting.

   {Whip snake} (Zo["o]l.), any one of various species of
      slender snakes. Specifically:
      (a) A bright green South American tree snake ({Philodryas
          viridissimus}) having a long and slender body. It is
          not venomous. Called also {emerald whip snake}.
      (b) The coachwhip snake.

Grafting \Graft"ing\ n. 1. (Hort.) The act, art, or process of
   inserting grafts.
   2. (Naut.) The act or method of weaving a cover for a ring,
      rope end, etc.

   3. (Surg.) The transplanting of a portion of flesh or skin to
      a denuded surface; autoplasty.

   4. (Carp.) A scarfing or endwise attachment of one timber to

   {Cleft grafting} (Hort.) a method of grafting in which the
      scion is placed in a cleft or slit in the stock or stump
      made by sawing off a branch, usually in such a manaer that
      its bark evenly joins that of the stock.

   {Crown, or Rind, grafting}, a method of grafting which the
      alburnum and inner bark are separated, and between them is
      inserted the lower end of the scion cut slantwise.

   {Saddle grafting}, a mode of grafting in which a deep cleft
      is made in the end of the scion by two sloping cuts, and
      the end of the stock is made wedge-shaped to fit the cleft
      in the scion, which is placed upon it saddlewise.

   {Side grafting}, a mode of grafting in which the scion, cut
      quite across very obliquely, so as to give it the form of
      a slender wedge, is thrust down inside of the bark of the
      stock or stem into which it is inserted, the cut side of
      the scion being next the wood of the stock.

   {Skin grafting}. (Surg.) See {Autoplasty.}

   {Splice grafting} (Hort.), a method of grafting by cutting
      the ends of the scion and stock completely across and
      obliquely, in such a manner that the sections are of the
      same shape, then lapping the ends so that the one cut
      surface exactly fits the other, and securing them by tying
      or otherwise.

   {Whip grafting}, tongue grafting, the same as splice
      grafting, except that a cleft or slit is made in the end
      of both scion and stock, in the direction of the grain and
      in the middle of the sloping surface, forming a kind of
      tongue, so that when put together, the tongue of each is
      inserted in the slit of the other.

   {Grafting scissors}, a surgeon's scissors, used in
      rhinoplastic operations, etc.

   {Grafting tool}.
      (a) Any tool used in grafting.
      (b) A very strong curved spade used in digging canals.

   {Grafting wax}, a composition of rosin, beeswax tallow, etc.,
      used in binding up the wounds of newly grafted trees.
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