

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vulcan \Vul"can\, n. [L. Vulcanus, Volcanus: cf. Skr. ulk[=a] a
   firebrand, meteor. Cf. {Volcano}.] (Rom. Myth.)
   The god of fire, who presided over the working of metals; --
   answering to the Greek Heph[ae]stus.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : (Roman mythology) god of fire and metal working; counterpart
         of Greek Hephaestus

資料來源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        1. Wayne Ratliff ca. 1980.  CP/M port of JPLDIS which evolved
        into dBASE II.
        2. The dBASE-like interpreter and compiler sold by RSPI with
        their Emerald Bay product.  [same as 1?]
        3. Early string manipulation language.  "VULCAN - A String
        Handling Language with Dynamic Storage Control", E.P. Storm et
        al, Proc FJCC 37, AFIPS (Fall 1970).
        4. Kahn et al, Xerox PARC.  Concurrent object orientation and
        logic programming.  An object-oriented preprocessor for FCP.
        "Vulcan: Logical Concurrent Objects", K. Kahn et al in
        Research Directions in Object- Oriented Programming,
        A.B. Shriver et al eds, MIT Press 1987.
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