
Vomit nut

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vomit \Vom"it\, n. [L. vomitus, from vomere, vomitum, to vomit;
   akin to Gr. ?, Skr. vam, Lith. vemiti. Cf. {Emetic},
   1. Matter that is vomited; esp., matter ejected from the
      stomach through the mouth.

            Like vomit from his yawning entrails poured.

   2. (Med.) That which excites vomiting; an emetic.

            He gives your Hollander a vomit.      --Shak.

   {Black vomit}. (Med.) See in the Vocabulary.

   {Vomit nut}, nux vomica.
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