
Visceral clefts

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Visceral \Vis"cer*al\, a. [Cf. F. visc['e]ral, LL. visceralis.]
   1. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the viscera; splanchnic.

   2. Fig.: Having deep sensibility. [R.] --Bp. Reynolds.

   {Visceral arches} (Anat.), the bars or ridges between the
      visceral clefts.

   {Visceral cavity} or {tube} (Anat.), the ventral cavity of a
      vertebrate, which contains the alimentary canal, as
      distinguished from the dorsal, or cerebro-spinal, canal.

   {Visceral clefts} (Anat.), transverse clefts on the sides
      just back of the mouth in the vertebrate embryo, which
      open into the pharyngeal portion of the alimentary canal,
      and correspond to the branchial clefts in adult fishes.
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