

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vill \Vill\, n. [OF. ville, vile, a village, F. ville a town,
   city. See {Villa}.]
   A small collection of houses; a village. ``Every manor, town,
   or vill.'' --Sir M. Hale.

         Not should e'er the crested fowl From thorp or vill his
         matins sound for me.                     --Wordsworth.

   Note: A word of various significations in English, law; as, a
         manor; a tithing; a town; a township; a parish; a part
         of a parish; a village. The original meaning of vill,
         in England, seems to have been derived from the Roman
         sense of the term villa, a single country residence or
         farm; a manor. Later, the term was applied only to a
         collection of houses more than two, and hence came to
         comprehend towns. Burrill. The statute of Exeter, 14
         Edward I., mentions entire-vills, demivills, and
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