
Uniform sword

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Uniform \U"ni*form\, n. [F. uniforme. See {Uniform}, a.]
   A dress of a particular style or fashion worn by persons in
   the same service or order by means of which they have a
   distinctive appearance; as, the uniform of the artillery, of
   the police, of the Freemasons, etc.

         There are many things which, a soldier will do in his
         plain clothes which he scorns to do in his uniform.
                                                  --F. W.

   {In full uniform} (Mil.), wearing the whole of the prescribed
      uniform, with ornaments, badges of rank, sash, side arms,

   {Uniform sword}, an officer's sword of the regulation pattern
      prescribed for the army or navy.
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