

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thew \Thew\ (th[=u]), n.

   Note: [Chiefly used in the plural {Thews} (th[=u]z).] [OE.
         thew, [thorn]eau, manner, habit, strength, AS.
         [thorn]e['a]w manner, habit (cf. [thorn][=y]wan to
         drive); akin to OS. thau custom, habit, OHG. dou.
   1. Manner; custom; habit; form of behavior; qualities of
      mind; disposition; specifically, good qualities; virtues.

            For her great light Of sapience, and for her thews
            clear.                                --Chaucer.

            Evil speeches destroy good thews.     --Wyclif (1
                                                  Cor. xv. 33).

            To be upbrought in gentle thews and martial might.

   2. Muscle or strength; nerve; brawn; sinew. --Shak.

            And I myself, who sat apart And watched them, waxed
            in every limb; I felt the thews of Anakim, The pules
            of a Titan's heart.                   --Tennyson.
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