
Theorem of Pappus

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Theorem \The"o*rem\, n. [L. theorema, Gr. ? a sight,
   speculation, theory, theorem, fr. ? to look at, ? a
   spectator: cf. F. th['e]or[`e]me. See {Theory}.]
   1. That which is considered and established as a principle;
      hence, sometimes, a rule.

            Not theories, but theorems (?), the intelligible
            products of contemplation, intellectual objects in
            the mind, and of and for the mind exclusively.

            By the theorems, Which your polite and terser
            gallants practice, I re-refine the court, and
            civilize Their barbarous natures.     --Massinger.

   2. (Math.) A statement of a principle to be demonstrated.

   Note: A theorem is something to be proved, and is thus
         distinguished from a problem, which is something to be
         solved. In analysis, the term is sometimes applied to a
         rule, especially a rule or statement of relations
         expressed in a formula or by symbols; as, the binomial
         theorem; Taylor's theorem. See the Note under
         {Proposition}, n., 5.

   {Binomial theorem}. (Math.) See under {Binomial}.

   {Negative theorem}, a theorem which expresses the
      impossibility of any assertion.

   {Particular theorem} (Math.), a theorem which extends only to
      a particular quantity.

   {Theorem of Pappus}. (Math.) See {Centrobaric method}, under

   {Universal theorem} (Math.), a theorem which extends to any
      quantity without restriction.
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