
The romantic drama

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Romantic \Ro*man"tic\, a. [F. romantique, fr. OF. romant. See
   1. Of or pertaining to romance; involving or resembling
      romance; hence, fanciful; marvelous; extravagant; unreal;
      as, a romantic tale; a romantic notion; a romantic

            Can anything in nature be imagined more profane and
            impious, more absurd, and undeed romantic, than such
            a persuasion?                         --South.

            Zeal for the good of one's country a party of men
            have represented as chimerical and romantic.

   2. Entertaining ideas and expectations suited to a romance;
      as, a romantic person; a romantic mind.

   3. Of or pertaining to the style of the Christian and popular
      literature of the Middle Ages, as opposed to the classical
      antique; of the nature of, or appropriate to, that style;
      as, the romantic school of poets.

   4. Characterized by strangeness or variety; suggestive of
      adventure; suited to romance; wild; picturesque; --
      applied to scenery; as, a romantic landscape.

   Syn: Sentimental; fanciful; fantastic; fictitious;
        extravagant; wild; chimerical. See {Sentimental}.

   {The romantic drama}. See under {Drama}.

Drama \Dra"ma\ (?; 277), n. [L. drama, Gr. ?, fr. ? to do, act;
   cf. Lith. daryti.]
   1. A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action,
      and intended to exhibit a picture of human life, or to
      depict a series of grave or humorous actions of more than
      ordinary interest, tending toward some striking result. It
      is commonly designed to be spoken and represented by
      actors on the stage.

            A divine pastoral drama in the Song of Solomon.

   2. A series of real events invested with a dramatic unity and
      interest. ``The drama of war.'' --Thackeray.

            Westward the course of empire takes its way; The
            four first acts already past, A fifth shall close
            the drama with the day; Time's noblest offspring is
            the last.                             --Berkeley.

            The drama and contrivances of God's providence.

   3. Dramatic composition and the literature pertaining to or
      illustrating it; dramatic literature.

   Note: The principal species of the drama are {tragedy} and
         {comedy}; inferior species are {tragi-comedy},
         {melodrama}, {operas}, {burlettas}, and {farces}.

   {The romantic drama}, the kind of drama whose aim is to
      present a tale or history in scenes, and whose plays (like
      those of Shakespeare, Marlowe, and others) are stories
      told in dialogue by actors on the stage. --J. A. Symonds.
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