
The historic sense

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Historic \His*tor"ic\, Historical \His*tor"ic*al\, a. [L.
   historicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. historique. See {History}.]
   Of or pertaining to history, or the record of past events;
   as, an historical poem; the historic page. --
   {His*tor"ic*al*ness}, n. -- {His*to*ric"i*ty}, n.

         There warriors frowning in historic brass. --Pope.

   {Historical painting}, that branch of painting which
      represents the events of history.

   {Historical sense}, that meaning of a passage which is
      deduced from the circumstances of time, place, etc., under
      which it was written.

   {The historic sense}, the capacity to conceive and represent
      the unity and significance of a past era or age.
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