
The Wain

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wain \Wain\, n. [OE. wain, AS. w[ae]gn; akin to D. & G. wagen,
   OHG. wagan, Icel. & Sw. vagn, Dan. vogn, and E. way. ????.
   See {Way}, {Weigh}, and cf. {Wagon}.]
   1. A four-wheeled vehicle for the transportation of goods,
      produce, etc.; a wagon.

            The wardens see nothing but a wain of hay.

            Driving in ponderous wains their household goods to
            the seashore.                         --Longfellow.

   2. A chariot. [Obs.]

   {The Wain}. (Astron.) See {Charles's Wain}, in the

   {Wain rope}, a cart rope. --Shak.
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