
The Lamb

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lamb \Lamb\ (l[a^]m), n. [AS. lamb; akin to D. & Dan. lam, G. &
   Sw. lamm, OS., Goth., & Icel. lamb.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) The young of the sheep.

   2. Any person who is as innocent or gentle as a lamb.

   3. A simple, unsophisticated person; in the cant of the Stock
      Exchange, one who ignorantly speculates and is victimized.

   {Lamb of God}, {The Lamb} (Script.), the Jesus Christ, in
      allusion to the paschal lamb.

            The twelve apostles of the Lamb.      --Rev. xxi.

            Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of
            the world.                            --John i. 29.

   {Lamb's lettuce} (Bot.), an annual plant with small obovate
      leaves ({Valerianella olitoria}), often used as a salad;
      corn salad. [Written also {lamb lettuce}.]

   {Lamb's tongue}, a carpenter's plane with a deep narrow bit,
      for making curved grooves. --Knight.

   {Lamb's wool}.
      (a) The wool of a lamb.
      (b) Ale mixed with the pulp of roasted apples; -- probably
          from the resemblance of the pulp of roasted apples to
          lamb's wool. [Obs.] --Goldsmith.
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