
The Eternal City

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Eternal \E*ter"nal\, a. [F. ['e]ternel, L. aeternalis, fr.
   aeternus. See {Etern}.]
   1. Without beginning or end of existence; always existing.

            The eternal God is thy refuge.        --Deut.
                                                  xxxiii. 27.

            To know wether there were any real being, whose
            duration has been eternal.            --Locke.

   2. Without end of existence or duration; everlasting;
      endless; immortal.

            That they may also obtain the salvation which is in
            Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.     --2 Tim. ii.

   3. Continued without intermission; perpetual; ceaseless;

            And fires eternal in thy temple shine. --Dryden.

   4. Existing at all times without change; immutable.

            Hobbes believed the eternal truths which he opposed.

            What are the eternal objects of poetry among all
            nations, and at all times?            --M. Arnold.

   5. Exceedingly great or bad; -- used as a strong intensive.
      ``Some eternal villain.''

   {The Eternal City}, an appellation of Rome.

   Syn: Everlasting; endless; infinite; ceaseless; perpetual;
        interminable. See {Everlasting}.
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