
The Conquest

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Conquest \Con"quest\, n. [OF. conquest, conqueste, F.
   conqu[^e]te, LL. conquistum, conquista, prop. p. p. from L.
   conquirere. See {Conquer}.]
   1. The act or process of conquering, or acquiring by force;
      the act of overcoming or subduing opposition by force,
      whether physical or moral; subjection; subjugation;

            In joys of conquest he resigns his breath.

            Three years sufficed for the conquest of the
            country.                              --Prescott.

   2. That which is conquered; possession gained by force,
      physical or moral.

            Wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?

   3. (Feudal Law) The acquiring of property by other means than
      by inheritance; acquisition. --Blackstone.

   4. The act of gaining or regaining by successful struggle;
      as, the conquest of liberty or peace.

   {The Conquest} (Eng. Hist.), the subjugation of England by
      William of Normandy in 1066.
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