
Testudo Carilina

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Gopher \Go"pher\, n. [F. gaufre waffle, honeycomb. See
   {Gauffer}.] (Zo["o]l.)
   1. One of several North American burrowing rodents of the
      genera {Geomys} and {Thomomys}, of the family
      {Geomyid[ae]}; -- called also {pocket gopher} and {pouched
      rat}. See {Pocket gopher}, and {Tucan}.

   Note: The name was originally given by French settlers to
         many burrowing rodents, from their honeycombing the

   2. One of several western American species of the genus
      {Spermophilus}, of the family {Sciurid[ae]}; as, the gray
      gopher ({Spermophilus Franklini}) and the striped gopher
      ({S. tridecemlineatus}); -- called also {striped prairie
      squirrel}, {leopard marmot}, and {leopard spermophile}.
      See {Spermophile}.

   3. A large land tortoise ({Testudo Carilina}) of the Southern
      United States, which makes extensive burrows.

   4. A large burrowing snake ({Spilotes Couperi}) of the
      Southern United States.

   {Gopher drift} (Mining), an irregular prospecting drift,
      following or seeking the ore without regard to regular
      grade or section. --Raymond.
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