
Temporal augment

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Temporal \Tem"po*ral\, a. [L. temporalis, fr. tempus, temporis,
   time, portion of time, the fitting or appointed time: cf. F.
   temporel. Cf. {Contemporaneous}, {Extempore}, {Temper}, v.
   t., {Tempest}, {Temple} a part of the head, {Tense}, n.,
   1. Of or pertaining to time, that is, to the present life, or
      this world; secular, as distinguished from sacred or

            The things which are seen are temporal, but the
            things which are not seen are eternal. --2 Cor. iv.

            Is this an hour for temporal affairs? --Shak.

   2. Civil or political, as distinguished from ecclesiastical;
      as, temporal power; temporal courts.

   {Lords temporal}. See under {Lord}, n.

   {Temporal augment}. See the Note under {Augment}, n.

   Syn: Transient; fleeting; transitory.
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