

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Study \Stud"y\, n.; pl. {Studies}. [OE. studie, L. studium, akin
   to studere to study; possibly akin to Gr. ? haste, zeal, ? to
   hasten; cf. OF. estudie, estude, F. ['e]tude. Cf. {Etude},
   {Student}, {Studio}, {Study}, v. i.]
   1. A setting of the mind or thoughts upon a subject; hence,
      application of mind to books, arts, or science, or to any
      subject, for the purpose of acquiring knowledge.

            Hammond . . . spent thirteen hours of the day in
            study.                                --Bp. Fell.

            Study gives strength to the mind; conversation,
            grace.                                --Sir W.

   2. Mental occupation; absorbed or thoughtful attention;
      meditation; contemplation.

            Just men they seemed, and all their study bent To
            worship God aright, and know his works. --Milton.

   3. Any particular branch of learning that is studied; any
      object of attentive consideration.

            The Holy Scriptures, especially the New Testament,
            are her daily study.                  --Law.

            The proper study of mankind is man.   --Pope.

   4. A building or apartment devoted to study or to literary
      work. ``His cheery little study.'' --Hawthorne.

   5. (Fine Arts) A representation or rendering of any object or
      scene intended, not for exhibition as an original work of
      art, but for the information, instruction, or assistance
      of the maker; as, a study of heads or of hands for a
      figure picture.

   6. (Mus.) A piece for special practice. See {Etude}.
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