
Strike block

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Strike \Strike\, n.
   1. The act of striking.

   2. An instrument with a straight edge for leveling a measure
      of grain, salt, and the like, scraping off what is above
      the level of the top; a strickle.

   3. A bushel; four pecks. [Prov. Eng.] --Tusser.

   4. An old measure of four bushels. [Prov. Eng.]

   5. Fullness of measure; hence, excellence of quality.

            Three hogsheads of ale of the first strike. --Sir W.

   6. An iron pale or standard in a gate or fence. [Obs.]

   7. The act of quitting work; specifically, such an act by a
      body of workmen, done as a means of enforcing compliance
      with demands made on their employer.

            Strikes are the insurrections of labor. --F. A.

   8. (Iron Working) A puddler's stirrer.

   9. (Geol.) The horizontal direction of the outcropping edges
      of tilted rocks; or, the direction of a horizontal line
      supposed to be drawn on the surface of a tilted stratum.
      It is at right angles to the dip.

   10. The extortion of money, or the attempt to extort money,
       by threat of injury; blackmailing.

   {Strike block} (Carp.), a plane shorter than a jointer, used
      for fitting a short joint. --Moxon.

   {Strike of flax}, a handful that may be hackled at once.
      [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] --Chaucer.

   {Strike of sugar}. (Sugar Making)
       (a) The act of emptying the teache, or last boiler, in
           which the cane juice is exposed to heat, into the
       (b) The quantity of the sirup thus emptied at once.
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