
Strap rail

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Strap \Strap\, n. [OE. strope, AS. stropp, L. stroppus,
   struppus, perhaps fr. Gr. ? a band or cord, fr. ? to twist,
   to turn (cf. {Strophe}). Cf. {Strop} a strap, a piece of
   1. A long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the
      like; specifically, a strip of thick leather used in

            A lively cobbler that . . . had scarce passed a day
            without giving her [his wife] the discipline of the
            strap.                                --Addison.

   2. Something made of such a strip, or of a part of one, or a
      combination of two or more for a particular use; as, a
      boot strap, shawl strap, stirrup strap.

   3. A piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a
      suitable material, for sharpening a razor; a strop.

   4. A narrow strip of anything, as of iron or brass.
      (a) (Carp. & Mach.) A band, plate, or loop of metal for
          clasping and holding timbers or parts of a machine.
      (b) (Naut.) A piece of rope or metal passing around a
          block and used for fastening it to anything.

   5. (Bot.)
      (a) The flat part of the corolla in ligulate florets, as
          those of the white circle in the daisy.
      (b) The leaf, exclusive of its sheath, in some grasses.

   6. A shoulder strap. See under {Shoulder}.

   {Strap bolt}, a bolt of which one end is a flat bar of
      considerable length.

   {Strap head} (Mach.), a journal box, or pair of brasses,
      secured to the end of a connecting rod by a strap. See
      Illust. of {Gib and key}, under {Gib}.

   {Strap hinge}, a hinge with long flaps by which it is
      fastened, as to a door or wall.

   {Strap rail} (Railroads), a flat rail formerly used.
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