

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stern \Stern\, a. [Compar. {Sterner}; superl. {Sternest}.] [OE.
   sterne, sturne, AS. styrne; cf. D. stuurish stern, Sw. stursk
   refractory. [root]166.]
   Having a certain hardness or severity of nature, manner, or
   aspect; hard; severe; rigid; rigorous; austere; fixed;
   unchanging; unrelenting; hence, serious; resolute; harsh; as,
   a sternresolve; a stern necessity; a stern heart; a stern
   gaze; a stern decree.

         The sterne wind so loud gan to rout.     --Chaucer.

         I would outstare the sternest eyes that look. --Shak.

         When that the poor have cried, C[ae]sar hath wept;
         Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. --Shak.

         Stern as tutors, and as uncles hard.     --Dryden.

         These barren rocks, your stern inheritance.

   Syn: Gloomy; sullen; forbidding; strict; unkind;
        hard-hearted; unfeeling; cruel; pitiless.
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