

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Steer \Steer\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Steered}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Steering}.] [OE. steeren, steren, AS. sti['e]ran, st?ran,
   ste['o]ran; akin to OFries. stiora, stiura, D. sturen, OD.
   stieren, G. steuren, OHG. stiuren to direct, support, G.
   steuer contribution, tax, Icel. st?ra to steer, govern,Sw.
   styra, Dan. styre, Goth. stiurjan to establish, AS. ste['o]r
   a rudder, a helm, and probably to Icel. staurr a pale, stake,
   Gr. ?, and perhaps ultimately to E. stand. [root]168. Cf.
   {Starboard}, {Stern}, n.]
   To direct the course of; to guide; to govern; -- applied
   especially to a vessel in the water.

         That with a staff his feeble steps did steer.
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