
Stationary engine

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stationary \Sta"tion*a*ry\, a. [L. stationarius: cf. F.
   stationnaire. Cf. {Stationer}.]
   1. Not moving; not appearing to move; stable; fixed.

            Charles Wesley, who is a more stationary man, does
            not believe the story.                --Southey.

   2. Not improving or getting worse; not growing wiser,
      greater, better, more excellent, or the contrary.

   3. Appearing to be at rest, because moving in the line of
      vision; not progressive or retrograde, as a planet.

   {Stationary air} (Physiol.), the air which under ordinary
      circumstances does not leave the lungs in respiration.

   {Stationary engine}.
      (a) A steam engine thet is permanently placed, in
          distinction from a portable engine, locomotive, marine
          engine, etc. Specifically:
      (b) A factory engine, in distinction from a blowing,
          pumping, or other kind of engine which is also
          permanently placed.
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