
Stand of arms

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stand \Stand\, n. [As. stand. See {Stand}, v. i.]
   1. The act of standing.

            I took my stand upon an eminence . . . to look into
            thier several ladings.                --Spectator.

   2. A halt or stop for the purpose of defense, resistance, or
      opposition; as, to come to, or to make, a stand.

            Vice is at stand, and at the highest flow. --Dryden.

   3. A place or post where one stands; a place where one may
      stand while observing or waiting for something.

            I have found you out a stand most fit, Where you may
            have such vantage on the duke, He shall not pass
            you.                                  --Shak.

   4. A station in a city or town where carriages or wagons
      stand for hire; as, a cab stand. --Dickens.

   5. A raised platform or station where a race or other outdoor
      spectacle may be viewed; as, the judge's or the grand
      stand at a race course.

   6. A small table; also, something on or in which anything may
      be laid, hung, or placed upright; as, a hat stand; an
      umbrella stand; a music stand.

   7. A place where a witness stands to testify in court.

   8. The situation of a shop, store, hotel, etc.; as, a good,
      bad, or convenient stand for business. [U. S.]

   9. Rank; post; station; standing.

            Father, since your fortune did attain So high a
            stand, I mean not to descend.         --Daniel.

   10. A state of perplexity or embarrassment; as, to be at a
       stand what to do. --L'Estrange.

   11. A young tree, usually reserved when other trees are cut;
       also, a tree growing or standing upon its own root, in
       distinction from one produced from a scion set in a
       stock, either of the same or another kind of tree.

   12. (Com.) A weight of from two hundred and fifty to three
       hundred pounds, -- used in weighing pitch.

   {Microscope stand}, the instrument, excepting the eyepiece,
      objective, and other removable optical parts.

   {Stand of ammunition}, the projectile, cartridge, and sabot
      connected together.

   {Stand of arms}. (Mil.) See under {Arms}.

   {Stand of colors} (Mil.), a single color, or flag. --Wilhelm
      (Mil. Dict.)

   {To be at a stand}, to be stationary or motionless; to be at
      a standstill; hence, to be perplexed; to be embarrassed.

   {To make a stand}, to halt for the purpose of offering
      resistance to a pursuing enemy.

   Syn: Stop; halt; rest; interruption; obstruction; perplexity;
        difficulty; embarrassment; hesitation.
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