

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stalwart \Stal"wart\, Stalworth \Stal"worth\, a. [OE. stalworth,
   AS. st[ae]lwyr[eth] serviceable, probably originally, good at
   stealing, or worth stealing or taking, and afterwards
   extended to other causes of estimation. See {Steal}, v. t.,
   {Worth}, a.]
   Brave; bold; strong; redoubted; daring; vehement; violent.
   ``A stalwart tiller of the soil.'' --Prof. Wilson.

         Fair man be was and wise, stalworth and bold. --R. of

   Note: Stalworth is now disused, or bur little used, stalwart
         having taken its place.
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