

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Smart \Smart\, a. [Compar. {Smarter}; superl. {Smartest}.] [OE.
   smerte. See {Smart}, v. i.]
   1. Causing a smart; pungent; pricking; as, a smart stroke or

            How smart lash that speech doth give my conscience.

   2. Keen; severe; poignant; as, smart pain.

   3. Vigorous; sharp; severe. ``Smart skirmishes, in which many
      fell.'' --Clarendon.

   4. Accomplishing, or able to accomplish, results quickly;
      active; sharp; clever. [Colloq.]

   5. Efficient; vigorous; brilliant. ``The stars shine
      smarter.'' --Dryden.

   6. Marked by acuteness or shrewdness; quick in suggestion or
      reply; vivacious; witty; as, a smart reply; a smart

            Who, for the poor renown of being smart Would leave
            a sting within a brother's heart?     --Young.

            A sentence or two, . . . which I thought very smart.

   7. Pretentious; showy; spruce; as, a smart gown.
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