
Scrivener's palsy

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scrivener \Scrive"ner\ (? or ?), n. [From older scrivein, OF.
   escrivain, F. ['e]crivain, LL. scribanus, from L. scribere to
   write. See {Scribe}.]
   1. A professional writer; one whose occupation is to draw
      contracts or prepare writings. --Shak.

            The writer better scrivener than clerk. --Fuller.

   2. One whose business is to place money at interest; a
      broker. [Obs.] --ryden.

   3. A writing master. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.

   {Scrivener's palsy}. See {Writer's cramp}, under {Writer}.

Palsy \Pal"sy\, n.; pl. {Palsies}. [OE. palesie, parlesy, OF.
   paralesie, F. paralysie, L. paralysis. See {Paralysis}.]
   Paralysis, complete or partial. See {Paralysis}. ``One sick
   of the palsy.'' --Mark ii. 3.

   {Bell's palsy}, paralysis of the facial nerve, producing
      distortion of one side of the face; -- so called from Sir
      Charles Bell, an English surgeon who described it.

   {Scrivener's palsy}. See {Writer's cramp}, under {Writer}.

   {Shaking palsy}, paralysis agitans, a disease usually
      occurring in old people, characterized by muscular tremors
      and a peculiar shaking and tottering gait.
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