
Screw-pod mesquite

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Mesquite \Mes*qui"te\, Mesquit \Mes*quit"\, n. [Sp. mezquite;
   said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.)
   A name for two trees of the southwestern part of North
   America, the honey mesquite, and screw-pod mesquite.

   {Honey mesquite}. See {Algaroba}
   (b) .

   {Screw-pod mesquite}, a smaller tree ({Prosopis pubescens}),
      having spiral pods used as fodder and sometimes as food by
      the Indians.

   {Mesquite grass}, a rich native grass in Western Texas
      ({Bouteloua oligostachya}, and other species); -- so
      called from its growing in company with the mesquite tree;
      -- called also {muskit grass}, {grama grass}.
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