
Scorpaenichthys marmoratus

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sculpin \Scul"pin\, n. [Written also skulpin.] (Zo["o]l.)
   (a) Any one of numerous species of marine cottoid fishes of
       the genus {Cottus}, or {Acanthocottus}, having a large
       head armed with sharp spines, and a broad mouth. They are
       generally mottled with yellow, brown, and black. Several
       species are found on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and
   (b) A large cottoid market fish of California
       ({Scorp[ae]nichthys marmoratus}); -- called also
       {bighead}, {cabezon}, {scorpion}, {salpa}.
   (c) The dragonet, or yellow sculpin, of Europe ({Callionymus

   Note: The name is also applied to other related California

   {Deep-water sculpin}, the sea raven.
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