

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scathe \Scathe\ (sk[=a][th]; 277), Scath \Scath\ (sk[a^]th;
   277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scathed} (sk[=a][th]d or
   sk[a^]tht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Scathing} (sk[=a][th]"[i^]ng or
   sk[a^]th"-).] [Icel. ska[eth]a; akin to AS. scea[eth]an,
   sce[eth][eth]an, Dan. skade, Sw. skada, D. & G. schaden, OHG.
   scad[=o]n, Goth. ska[thorn]jan.]
   To do harm to; to injure; to damage; to waste; to destroy.

         As when heaven's fire Hath scathed the forest oaks or
         mountain pines.                          --Milton.

         Strokes of calamity that scathe and scorch the soul.
                                                  --W. Irving.

Scath \Scath\ (sk[a^]th; 277), n. [Icel. ska[eth]i; akin to Dan.
   skade, Sw. skada, AS. scea[eth]a, sca[eth]a, foe, injurer,
   OS. ska[eth]o, D. schade, harm, injury, OHG. scade, G.
   schade, schaden; cf. Gr. 'askhqh`s unharmed. Cf. {Scathe},
   Harm; damage; injury; hurt; waste; misfortune. [Written also

         But she was somedeal deaf, and that was skathe.

         Great mercy, sure, for to enlarge a thrall, Whose
         freedom shall thee turn to greatest scath. --Spenser.

         Wherein Rome hath done you any scath, Let him make
         treble satisfaction.                     --Shak.
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