

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reproach \Re*proach"\ (r?-pr?ch"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Reproached} (-pr?cht"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reproaching}.] [F.
   reprocher, OF. reprochier, (assumed) LL. reproriare; L. pref.
   re- again, against, back + prope near; hence, originally, to
   bring near to, throw in one's teeth. Cf. {Approach}.]
   1. To come back to, or come home to, as a matter of blame; to
      bring shame or disgrace upon; to disgrace. [Obs.]

            I thought your marriage fit; else imputation, For
            that he knew you, might reproach your life. --Shak.

   2. To attribute blame to; to allege something disgracefull
      against; to charge with a fault; to censure severely or
      contemptuously; to upbraid.

            If ye be reproached for the name of Christ. --1
                                                  Peter iv. 14.

            That this newcomer, Shame, There sit not, and
            reproach us as unclean.               --Milton.

            Mezentius . . . with his ardor warmed His fainting
            friends, reproached their shameful flight. Repelled
            the victors.                          --Dryden.

   Syn: To upbraid; censure; blame; chide; rebuke; condemn;
        revile; vilify.
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