
Registered letter

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Register \Reg"is*ter\ (r[e^]j"[i^]s*t[~e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Registered} (-t[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Registering}.] [Cf.
   F. regisrer, exregistrer, LL. registrare. See {Register}, n.]
   1. To enter in a register; to record formally and distinctly,
      as for future use or service.

   2. To enroll; to enter in a list.

            Such follow him as shall be registered. --Milton.

   {Registered letter}, a letter, the address of which is, on
      payment of a special fee, registered in the post office
      and the transmission and delivery of which are attended to
      with particular care.
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