

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reexchange \Re`["e]x*change"\ (r?`?ks*ch?nj"), v. t.
   To exchange anew; to reverse (a previous exchange).

Reexchange \Re`["e]x*change"\ n.
   1. A renewed exchange; a reversal of an exchange.

   2. (Com.) The expense chargeable on a bill of exchange or
      draft which has been dishonored in a foreign country, and
      returned to the country in which it was made or indorsed,
      and then taken up. --Bouvier.

            The rate of re["e]xchange is regulated with respect
            to the drawer, at the course of exchange between the
            place where the bill of exchange was payable, and
            the place where it was drawn. Re["e]xchange can not
            be cumulated.                         --Walsh.
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