
Red chalk

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {Red chalk}. See under {Chalk}.

   {Red copper} (Min.), red oxide of copper; cuprite.

   {Red coral} (Zo["o]l.), the precious coral ({Corallium
      rubrum}). See Illusts. of {Coral} and {Gorgonlacea}.

   {Red cross}. The cross of St. George, the national emblem of
      the English.
   (b) The Geneva cross. See {Geneva convention}, and {Geneva
       cross}, under {Geneva}.

   {Red currant}. (Bot.) See {Currant}.

   {Red deer}. (Zo["o]l.)
   (a) The common stag ({Cervus elaphus}), native of the forests
       of the temperate parts of Europe and Asia. It is very
       similar to the American elk, or wapiti.
   (b) The Virginia deer. See {Deer}.

   {Red duck} (Zo["o]l.), a European reddish brown duck
      ({Fuligula nyroca}); -- called also {ferruginous duck}.

   {Red ebony}. (Bot.) See {Grenadillo}.

   {Red empress} (Zo["o]l.), a butterfly. See {Tortoise shell}.

   {Red fir} (Bot.), a coniferous tree ({Pseudotsuga Douglasii})
      found from British Columbia to Texas, and highly valued
      for its durable timber. The name is sometimes given to
      other coniferous trees, as the Norway spruce and the
      American {Abies magnifica} and {A. nobilis}.

   {Red fire}. (Pyrotech.) See {Blue fire}, under {Fire}.

   {Red flag}. See under {Flag}.

   {Red fox} (Zo["o]l.), the common American fox ({Vulpes
      fulvus}), which is usually reddish in color.

   {Red grouse} (Zo["o]l.), the Scotch grouse, or ptarmigan. See
      under {Ptarmigan}.

   {Red gum}, or {Red gum-tree} (Bot.), a name given to eight
      Australian species of {Eucalyptus} ({Eucalyptus
      amygdalina}, {resinifera}, etc.) which yield a reddish gum
      resin. See {Eucalyptus}.

   {Red hand} (Her.), a left hand appaum['e], fingers erect,
      borne on an escutcheon, being the mark of a baronet of the
      United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; -- called
      also {Badge of Ulster}.

   {Red herring}, the common herring dried and smoked.

Chalk \Chalk\, n. [AS. cealc lime, from L. calx limestone. See
   {Calz}, and {Cawk}.]
   1. (Min.) A soft, earthy substance, of a white, grayish, or
      yellowish white color, consisting of calcium carbonate,
      and having the same composition as common limestone.

   2. (Fine Arts) Finely prepared chalk, used as a drawing
      implement; also, by extension, a compound, as of clay and
      black lead, or the like, used in the same manner. See

   {Black chalk}, a mineral of a bluish color, of a slaty
      texture, and soiling the fingers when handled; a variety
      of argillaceous slate.

   {By a long chalk}, by a long way; by many degrees. [Slang]

   {Chalk drawing} (Fine Arts), a drawing made with crayons. See

   {Chalk formation}. See {Cretaceous formation}, under

   {Chalk line}, a cord rubbed with chalk, used for making
      straight lines on boards or other material, as a guide in
      cutting or in arranging work.

   {Chalk mixture}, a preparation of chalk, cinnamon, and sugar
      in gum water, much used in diarrheal affection, esp. of

   {Chalk period}. (Geol.) See {Cretaceous period}, under

   {Chalk pit}, a pit in which chalk is dug.

   {Drawing chalk}. See {Crayon}, n., 1.

   {French chalk}, steatite or soapstone, a soft magnesian

   {Red chalk}, an indurated clayey ocher containing iron, and
      used by painters and artificers; reddle.
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